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It is easy to think that you have reached your limits because of the little or nothing to show for all the effort you have put into your dreams and heart desires. You look at your past and think I...
Sometimes God can ask us to do a hard thing like take a step of faith, forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it, take up a position or quit hanging around a friend who is pulling us down. Deep...
Some seasons seem as if we are not making progress when everything seems routine. Sometimes we even make mistakes and bring challenges to ourselves… The beauty of being a child of God is that...
Life has a way of changing us. At one point we saw a better version of ourselves; outgoing, excited about our dreams, and grateful for our family. We saw the best in people, excelling in what we do...
Sometimes, some situations don’t look like they will ever work out; A door closed on your dream, a medical report that is not good, or a relationship that didn’t make it. All the circumstances say you...
We all have to deal with thoughts of doubt, worry and insecurity. However, refusing to get rid of them can be detrimental to our dreams, vision or heart desires. A quote from the scripture says...
A call to holiness is a call to an amazing lifelong journey of being transformed into the person God has created us to be… The scripture says “Put on the new man which was created...
We all have people that God brings across our path who are there for a lifetime or a season; our spouse, children and friends who cherish us and are loyal… They stick with us through thick and...
The Hebrew word used for peace is shalom which not only means peace, but a sense of well-being, prosperity, and wholeness. Jesus is the source of our peace; well-being, prosperity and wholeness. The...