Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. Hebrews 11:1-2

The amplified version of Hebrew 11:1 says faith is a “Tittle deed” (A title deed is a legal deed or document constituting evidence of right, especially to ownership of a property) 
Your right to the ownership of a property is the actions you take towards the title deed. God has given you the title deed; meaning it’s already yours and your name is already written on it. The action you take because you believed in the title deed is walking by faith.
In another instance, if you need healing, faith says, Jesus has healed you; the healing is yours. You must put your body into action even when the body is feeling weak.
Faith acts on God’s word, irrespective of how the body is feeling or what the medical report says. Faith always comes back with a testimony “For by it the elders obtained a good testimony” Stop speaking to your body about the sickness and start speaking faith to the sickness!
As believers in Christ, we walk by faith and not by sight. The level of our faith is determined by the amount of God’s word we receive and the good testimony we produce through faith.
Walking by faith is a way of expressing to God that we have confidence in Him and His Word. It’s an issue of trust; doing what God want you to do by knowing and trusting that it is the best for you.
By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. Hebrews11v8
When Abraham was called by God, he left his father’s house not knowing where God was sending him. He obeyed God’s voice and went on a journey to start a new life with an unknown destiny in an unknown location. By this singular obedience of faith, we are called sons and daughters of Abraham today.
Walking by faith is obedience to the voice of God even if when it seems impossible. Peter toiled all night without a catch, when Jesus instructed him, this was his response “…nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net” Luke5v5. We all knew the outcome, it was a great catch.
The same sea that Peter toil all night without a catch suddenly by faith in obedience to God’s word, he got a great catch. Whenever you act on God’s word by faith, you commit God to act on your behalf.
In the case of Naaman, he initially refused to act by faith, according to him there are better waters than waters in Israel to clean him of his leprosy. “Are not the Abanah and the Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel?”… (1Kings 5:12)
He later obeyed, took a step of faith and was cleansed of leprosy. The power of faith is not in the fancy of the action but it’s in the doing of God’s word. Walking in obedience to God’s word can trigger the power of faith.
Sometimes we want to take action based on what we see and how we see it physically; that’s no longer a step of faith or walking by faith. It can only be faith when your physical eyes can’t see it. We are children of faith! Walking by faith should be part of our daily lifestyle. The more you walk by faith, the more you experience the supernatural work of God in your life and in the things you do.
May God increase you from every side as you continue to grow in your faith, in Jesus’ name. (Amen)

2 thoughts on “WALKING BY FAITH”

  1. Pingback: WHEN GOD STEPS IN! - Pastor Victor Ohue Ministries

  2. Pingback: DOING GOD’S WILL! - Pastor Victor Ohue Ministries

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