The mind sometimes is like a courtroom, silently telling you how guilty you are over an issue or giving you confidence that you have done nothing wrong! Whatever your mind is telling you; guilty or not guilty, the word of God supersedes those voices. The scripture says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” Romans 8:1 

You may have made mistakes, done something wrong, or done things you are not proud of, still feeling guilty even after you have prayed to God for forgiveness! It’s important to note that Guilt or condemnations are not from God but from the enemy! As you may be aware, the enemy will remind you of how unworthy you are, and how you don’t deserve God’s goodness! However, God says you are “Not guilty”

How could this be? He has already paid the price for your sins, your mistakes, your failures (Ephesians 1:7). He says, you are not guilty of those mistakes of the past which the enemy still reminds you of. It would do you a lot of good if you also see yourself as not guilty. All that is required of you is to trust God, for a change of habit and live for Him.

Don’t be down on yourself, living guilty, condemned, even though God has long forgiven you. He is longing to manifest His goodness in your life, you won’t see that goodness if you harbour guilt in your heart before God’s presence.

This all started in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the forbidden tree. Before then, they were happy, confident, and secure, they knew God loved them, and they went boldly into God’s presence, walked and talked with God. (Genesis 3)

When they disobeyed, condemnation came, and the accusing voice that brought fear, and intimidation took over man. The first thing they did was run and hide. They had to get out of God’s presence. God came and said, “Adam where are you”? It wasn’t so much about his location, it was about his frame of mind. 

The guilt continues for many years in the Old Testament. They had to make sacrifices to cover their sins, but we are under a better covenant. The price has already been paid. It says in revelation, “God has washed away our sins”, past tense. He has already forgiven you. You may have made mistakes, you are not where you wanted to be, and you don’t feel worthy like you deserve God’s goodness. God says “not guilty”! (Romans 5:15)

Now, like Adam, you may be hiding. God is saying, “Where are you? I long to be with you. I have mercy for your mistakes. I have forgiveness for your wrongs”. What you have done did not stop Him from loving you. However, you may have to face the consequences of your mistakes here on earth but God says “You are forgiven and not guilty!

The scripture says, “Come boldly to the throne room of grace to obtain mercy”. Notice, to get the mercy you have to go boldly. You won’t go boldly if you think God is mad at you, you made too many mistakes, you lost your temper, you kept the wrong friends and you have ruined your marriage… 

Mercy is available, and new beginnings are available, but it’s not going to happen if you stay down on yourself, feeling unworthy. “I don’t deserve to be blessed or forgiven, pastor…” Get rid of that defeated mentality, God is saying to you “Not guilty” He is not holding your mistakes against you!

When you come to Him, He won’t say “It’s about time. I’m disappointed. What’s wrong with you”? He will gladly tell you, not guilty, go and sin no more! 

If you only knew that God is standing before you right now with open arms. He is not going to just embrace you, He is going to gladly embrace you. Why don’t you come out of hiding, come out of unworthiness, come out of condemnation, and receive God’s forgiveness? “God, I know I’m not worthy, but Father, I want to thank you that you have made me worthy. Lord, I am guilty, but I want to thank you that you see me not guilty.


I want to ask you again, how do you see God? As someone who will gladly welcome you after your mistakes or who is looking forward to seeing you, who won’t judge you? Or do you see Him as someone yelling at you, who is hard, condemning, holding your mistakes against you? Your perception of God will have a great impact on whether or not you become all you were created to be. 

And sometimes religion distorts the image of God. It can show God as being harsh, and mean, where you can’t measure up. It uses guilt, making you feel unworthy, to try to get you to live right. But condemnation doesn’t make you do better. The scripture says, “It is the goodness of God, that leads to repentance”. (Romans 2:4)

When you understand that God loves you unconditionally, not if you perform perfectly, but even when you make mistakes He has mercy, that sees you without fault! There is nothing more valuable, nothing more important to Him than you. So, hold your head up high and step up to who you were created to be.

Instead of living condemned, why don’t you go boldly to the throne room of grace, to receive that mercy? God is waiting to gladly tell you not guilty. However, He won’t force you to come, you must go to Him and be ready to live for Him.

Think about Zacchaeus, he was a tax collector. They were known for being dishonest, cheating people, and not having any integrity. Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector. He was despised. The people in the scripture described him as scum. It’s simply bad when the scripture calls you a scum. 

Jesus came passing through the town, Zacchaeus was up in that tree, trying to get a glimpse of him. Out of all the people there, Jesus stopped, looked up, and said “Zacchaeus, come down. I want to go to your house and have dinner”.  (Luke 19:1-10)

This didn’t make sense to the religious leaders, and they complained “Why is He going to dinner with a notorious sinner”? Religion says, “You are too bad. You have made too many mistakes, stay away”. But God says, “Despite all your mistakes stay close, I’m coming to your house for dinner”.

“Well, Pastor, I’ have made some unforgivable mistakes. I still struggle with my temper. I gave into that temptation”. Well, that didn’t cancel out His mercy. Run to God, don’t run away from Him. Don’t do like Adam, and start hiding. You can be open and honest with God. He is not going to judge you. It’s very powerful when you admit your dependence on Him. “God, I’m struggling in this area, I can’t overcome on my own, I need your help”. That is when you will feel a strength, a power to do what you can’t do on your own.

Zacchaeus went to dinner with Jesus, but he didn’t leave the same way. He said, “I’m going to give half of my income to the poor. Those I have cheated, I’m going to give four times the amount back”. Jesus said, “This day salvation has come to your home”.

Sometimes we think that if we criticize people, tell them all they are doing wrong, and make them feel guilty, then they will change. But most people already know what they are doing wrong. When they hear about a God who gladly welcomes them, a God who doesn’t hold their faults against them, a God who shows mercy when they deserve judgment, then they will change. 

Make sure you have the right image of God: He is for you, and He has a great plan for your life. He is not focused on all your failures. He has mercy for every mistake. He always wants to have time alone with you. All you have to do is take that step toward Him. No more hiding, no more living condemned, no more feeling unworthy. Go to God with boldness, and receive this mercy.

It says “Come boldly to the throne”, that means you won’t receive it if you go around thinking, “I don’t deserve it, I’m unworthy, I’m like Zacchaeus, I made a lot of mistakes, done things I’m not proud of”. 

God is calling your name today, saying “Come down out of that tree. Come out of hiding. I want to come to your house.  Will you receive the mercy? Will you shake off the guilt, the condemnation, the past, put your shoulders back, and see yourself the way God sees you, without fault. See yourself worthy, righteous and not guilty!

“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’ (Amen)

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