Sometimes, some situations don’t look like they will ever work out; A door closed on your dream, a medical report that is not good, or a relationship that didn’t make it. All the circumstances say you will never find joy in that area of your life! The scripture says God will turn your mourning into dancing and clothe you with gladness (Psalm 30:11)

God specializes in turning things around; turning sickness into health, turning addictions into freedom, turning lack into abundance. He has divine favour reversals where things you least expected can turn around for your good!

There was a young woman in the scripture named Esther. She was an orphan being raised by her uncle Mordecai. When the king of Persia was searching for a new queen, she was picked to be one of the candidates in the beauty pageant. Out of thousands of girls she was chosen as the next queen. 

Well, nobody knew that she was Jewish, Mordecai told her to keep that a secret. Everything was going great until a man named Haman got upset with Mordecai. Haman was the prime minister, second in command to the king. When he walked by, he expected everyone to bow down and show their respect, but Mordecai wouldn’t do it, he only bowed to Jehovah. 

This made Haman so angry, that he decided to do something about it. He found out that Mordecai was a Jew, and to get back at him he thought I’m not going to just get rid of him, I’m going to get rid of his entire nationals in this land.

He went to the king and said, there is a group of people that are causing trouble, they won’t obey your decrees. The best thing we could do is annihilate them, not let them live. Sounded reasonable to the king, he didn’t want to be overthrown, so he agreed to Haman’s request. 

He took off the ring on his finger and gave it to Haman, representing his authority. He said do as you have said with these people. So Haman wrote an official decree that on a certain date, all the Jews would be killed…

He sent the fastest messengers to deliver this decree throughout the land. When the Jewish people received it there was great weeping and wailing. The scripture says Many stayed in bed in sackcloth and ashes, so depressed. (Esther 4:3)

Well,  Esther’s maids and eunuchs told her that Mordecai was in distress at the king’s gates. She asked one of the eunuchs to see what was wrong. Mordecai sent back a copy of the decree and explained what Haman was up to, and how she must go to the king, tell him what was happening and plead for the lives of her people. 

You couldn’t go to the king unless he called for you. She hadn’t seen him in a while. After some hesitance, she spoke to Hathach, one of the eunuchs and gave him a command for Mordecai: “Gather all the Jews to pray and fast for three days” because she was going to go to the king. She put her life on the line and went to see the king. 

The king was very gracious, he said Esther, what do you want? I will give you anything, up to half of my kingdom. She didn’t dare to tell him right then, she said, I would like for you and Haman to come to a banquet that I prepared.

The king agreed, and Haman got the word and felt so honoured. At the banquet the king said, Now, Esther, tell me what you want. She still couldn’t find the courage to say it yet, so she said, King, if you are pleased with me, I want you to come to a banquet with Haman tomorrow night, then I will tell you what this is all about. 

The scripture says, What a happy man Haman was as he left that banquet. He went out of there, having dinner with royalty, and going to do it again tomorrow night. He bragged to his friends and family about how honoured he was, and all the authority he had been given. (Esther 5:9-12)

Sometimes it looks like people who want your downfall are being promoted, they are being honoured when you know they are plotting evil against you or doing the wrong thing. Don’t worry, their time is coming. God is your vindicator and He will help you.

You don’t have to live upset and try to pay people back who are against you, help is on the way. God is going to take care of those who are plotting against you… They went to the banquet the next night, Haman sitting there so proud. The king said it again, Esther, what can I do for you? 

She said, Your majesty, this is my request, that you would spare my life and the life of my people. The king said, Who would dare try to harm you? She pointed at Haman and said, He has written a decree to annihilate me and all my people. The scripture says Haman was terrified. From honour to dishonour in one second. (Esther 7:6

The king jumped up in such a rage, so upset, he ran out to the courtyard. Haman came over and fell on Esther and began to beg for his life. About that time the king came back in, and saw him all over Esther. 

He said, Are you even going to assault the queen right in front of my eyes? One of the eunuchs came over and said, Haman has set up a gallow to hang Mordecai on. The king said, Great, use the gallow to hang Haman. The Psalmist said, The trap the enemy sets for you, they will fall themselves. (Psalm 57:6)

The scripture says, That same day, the king gave the estate of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, to Esther. Then the king called up Mordecai, he took the signet ring, the one he removed from Haman, gave it to Mordecai, and said From now on you are going to be in charge.  (Esther 8:1-2)

It looked like Esther and Mordecai would be wiped out, but what a turnaround. It looked like Haman had the upper hand, all this power, the ring, and people bowing down, but a turnaround happened beyond their expectations.

You don’t know what God is up to in your case. He has divine reversals, and supernatural turnarounds, where you suddenly go from the back to the front, from being overlooked to being in charge, from weeping to rejoicing, from wondering how it could work out to saying Look what the Lord has done.

The scripture says, The wealth of the ungodly will be transferred to the righteous The good news is that you are the righteous. Part of the turnaround is going to be a transfer of resources, property, and opportunities that you didn’t see coming. (Proverbs 13:22)

Just like God did for Esther, you are going to laugh again. It’s not going to turn out the way the enemy is telling you, it’s going to be a turnaround for your good; mourning turned to dance, sorrow turned to joy and sadness turned to gladness. Start thanking God for a turnaround… Our latter days will be far better than our former days. 

So, stop worrying about things you think could never work out, playing the worst-case scenario in your mind, God is saying there will be a turnaround.  Not defeat, but victory. Not stuck where you are, but catapulted to a new level. Not broke, but abundance. Not depressed, but great joy. Not lonely, but an awesome spouse.

Beloved, get into an agreement with God concerning His promises and hold unto His word. If you will do this, I decree and declare; that you are about to see supernatural turnarounds in your life! Like Esther and Mordecai, there is going to be a turnaround; bigger, better, and more rewarding than you ever imagined in the name of Jesus. 

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’!

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