And I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the knowledge of every good thing which is in you for Christ’s sake. Philemon 1:6

Christianity can only be complete when there is an aspect of fellowship among believers. Fellowship means participation!
One of the ways for recognising Christians in the early church was their fellowship with one another. It was a community of having things in common or sharing things among themselves. “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and prayers.” Acts 2:42
At the very centre of the Christian life is the word fellowship. The Church of Christ is not a single endeavour where each one of us works out our relationship with God in seclusion from other believers. The best part of being a Christian is to be part of the fellowship of God’s people where you are constantly involved with other believers in the service of God.
In today’s Christianity, you have some Christians who are comfortable with a spiritual life that begins and ends with just being a member of a church or Christian body. They are simply okay with having their names as one of the members and attending Church meetings from time to time. It’s very necessary to note that being a member alone is not the same as being a part of a Christian fellowship. 
Membership simply means that you are part of the number; fellowship means that you and I are committed to doing ministry and worship together, that we are mutually committed to the strength and vitality of the Church, and that we are ultimately defined and directed by our common loyalty and obedience to God and to God’s word as revealed in scripture. “Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.” 1Thessalonia 5:11
The foundation of Christian fellowship is in our relationship with each other as well as our common allegiance to God and God’s teachings. In other to actualize a real fellowship in the Body of Christ we must involve ourselves in doing things that allow us to become better acquainted with one another. 
We need to find time to be together beyond the Sunday morning worship service and get involved in other spiritual activities so we can know more about one another. “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16
Sunday morning services are a good and great experience, but they are not enough to move people from membership to fellowship. When you attend a Bible study regularly and begin to hear the questions and comments coming from those around you, that experience builds fellowship. When you attend Prayer Meetings, pray with other believers and listen to testimony sessions, rejoice and celebrate with other believers, that is how Christian fellowship is built… 
We all share a common testimony as Christians, by publicly acknowledging that the Lord has delivered us from the power of darkness to walk in His marvellous light of grace and forgiveness. We are a fellowship of people who formerly were dead in sin but have been washed, cleansed and made pure by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As we seek to share a consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit, Let’s also share in Christian fellowship with other believers as a preface to the fellowship we will share with God and other believers when we meet in heaven. Move from membership to fellowship and enjoy all the blessings of God that are connected to the fellowship of God’s people!

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