In one of Jesus’s last teachings before His crucifixion, He made a very profound statement; “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” The word “Abide” in the original language means to depend; depending on God. It also means to rely on and relax in God. He was saying, “Depend on me and rest in me! (John 15:7-8)
You don’t have to strive, you don’t have to force things, live worried, pressured, wondering how it’s going to happen. Depending on God bring forth more fruits. You would think it would be just the opposite: if you work harder and put in more effort, then you will see the dream, then you will get the promotion, and then the challenges will turn around. No, not if you strive you will bear much fruit but if you depend on God you will see an increase, favour and your desires will be granted!
When you don’t see how something can work out, the medical report is not good, your finances are down, it’s easy to get all stressed and all worked up, “I got to fix this”. Don’t fall into that trap. Instead of striving, start depending on God and Stay in peace. “God, I know you are still on the throne. I can’t make this happen with my strength but I believe because I’m connected to you, I’m depending on you Lord, I’m relying on you and you are going to cause me to bear much fruit… And I’m going to see this situation turn in my favour”.
When you depend completely on God, it takes the pressure off you. Instead of focusing on what you can do, you are focused on what God can do. You are depending on God’s goodness, His favour and His power. As long as you are striving you are limited to what you can accomplish. The challenge is that we all face giants that may be too big, people that may be more powerful, and a medical report that says “There’s no way” Our strength, our effort, our talent, no matter how hard we try will not be enough…
That’s why God said in that same John 15:5 “For without me you can do nothing“. You can’t overcome that challenge. You can’t break the addiction, or accomplish your dream just with your willpower, your hard work. You need power from on high. When you are abiding or depending completely on God, there is a force that breathes in your direction, a favour that opens doors that you couldn’t open, that breaks chains that are holding you back, that releases healing, creativity and increases that will catapult you into your destiny.
One of the best prayers we can pray every morning is “God, I depend on you today. I’m relying on you, and God, I’m going to relax in you. I believe that I will bear much fruit because I’m connected to you…” And I’m not saying that we should sit back and do nothing, we have to use our gifts, and be our best but don’t become dependent on just your ability, your efforts, thinking that you have to make it happen. Do what you can, and then leave it up to God.
As long as you depend completely on God, you are going to bear not a little fruit, not some fruit, but much fruit. If you will start depending completely on God, and not just striving, you are going to see more fruit with less work. You are going to go further with less frustration. You are going to accomplish more in less time.
Someone may say to you, “Aren’t you worried about the challenges you are going through? Things are not getting better”. Just answered, “No, I’m not worrying, I depend on God. I trust God without evidence and I believe in what God can do. I know that God is in control”. “Well, you lost that big contract, aren’t you upset?” “No, I know I’m connected to the vine, to a supply line that will never run dry. Not going to live stressed, I’m abiding, I’m at peace. I know another opportunity is coming”. “What about the medical report? Does it look good”. “Yes, but I’m not moved by what I see, I’m moved by what I know… “By His stripes, I am healed” (Isaiah 53:5)
Significantly, Jesus used fruit in His illustration to show us that we are connected to the source. You may have seen fruits hanging on tree branches. The branches are just depending on the vine to produce fruits. They are not struggling to bear fruits, they are not frustrated, thinking “Why am I not growing faster or bearing fruits? How am I going to bear fruit? What if my fruits don’t get ripened”? I have never walked by and heard a branch complaining before. I have never seen a worried tree branch. They just hang there drawing strength from the vine. They are not stressed because they know as long as they are connected to the source, to the vine, they are going to get everything that they need.
You shouldn’t live with that unrest on the inside, thinking that you are limited. Besides, you are connected to the vine and you can stay in peace. God is bringing the nutrients you need, the right people, the right and new opportunities, the healing, the favour… At the appointed time your fruits will ripen, your fruits are going to go from green to yellow so to speak, you are going to see doors open, the medical report turn around, and the dream will come to pass. Now do your part; quit striving and start depending completely on God. Live from a place of peace, a place of rest. When you are tempted to worry, try to force things to happen just say “No, thanks, I’m connected to the vine.
I’m not saying to sit back, but you have to be open that if it doesn’t happen the way you thought, then God has something better. That closed door is God protecting you but sometimes we get impatient. We think we are missing out, we are falling behind but I have learned what belongs to you is not going to go to anyone else. What has your name on it will come to you. Instead of trying to force things – relax, and stay in peace. God is ordering your steps, He is already lined up what you need to fulfil your destiny. If it hasn’t happened yet, it wasn’t the right time. If the door is closed, something better is coming.
This is where Abraham and Sarah missed it. God gave them the promise that they would have a child, instead of depending on God, trusting God’s timing, they were impatient. Nothing was happening, they got frustrated and decided to help God out. Sarah told Abraham to sleep with her maid. They had a son that they named Ishmael but He wasn’t the promised child. It wasn’t Ishmael’s fault, but that baby caused all kinds of strife and contention. It’s much better to wait for the right thing than to have to deal with an Ishmael, things we birth in our efforts. That’s what causes us heartache and pain. If your promise is not happening on your timetable, trust that God knows what He is doing. He knows what is best.
Instead of striving like they did, “I’m going to have this baby, I’m going to make it happen. I’m going to marry this person even though I don’t have peace. I’m going to buy this house even though it’s not what I want”. No, be patient. Don’t settle for second best. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. Keep depending on God, and keep doing the right thing, your time is coming. The truth is that we have all probably given birth to an Ishmael before; yes, most people who will this message have forced some things to happen in one way or the other!
However, the goodness of God didn’t allow the promise to stop. God doesn’t say, my son or my daughter, you blew it. You quit depending on me, now it’s not going to happen”. No, 20 years after God gave Abraham the promise, this was after they had Ishmael, after they had made mistakes, Sarah got pregnant at 90 years old and gave birth to Isaac, the promised child. (Genesis 21:1-3)
We are trying to do everything in our strength, solve this problem, fix this person, and accomplish this dream. The whole time God is saying, “I want to help you, but you have to let me… Allow me to work“. As long as you are doing it only in your strength, you are going to be frustrated, you are going to get worn down, and exhausted. Depends completely on God. Rely on Him and He will make things happen that you can’t make happen. God can see things that we can’t see.
Every morning it’s good to admit our dependence on God. You don’t have to go through life all worked up, on an edge. Today can be a turning point. Come out from under that pressure. You can’t fix everyone, or change everything, that’s not your job. God is saying to you what He said to the people thousands of years ago, “Stop your striving. Be still and you will know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) If you make this decision to depend completely on God and not strive, I decree and declare that you are not only going to enjoy life more but you are going to bear much fruit and see your desired result come to pass in Jesus’ name.
The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!