It is easy to think that you have reached your limits because of the little or nothing to show for all the effort you have put into your dreams and heart desires. You look at your past and think I have tried everything I am good at, but nothing has changed. What you can’t see is the success gene God put in you that hasn’t been released. The scripture says, “…As He is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17)

There is a success gene in you right now; I mean a gene you inherited from God the Father and things He had ordained you to accomplish before you were born. He has already put the talent, wisdom, favour, and courage in you. What you are facing may seem tough, but the solution is in you.

In the scripture, God told Jeremiah that he was going to be a great prophet and that he would speak to nations. Well, Jeremiah was young and insecure; he didn’t come from a family of prophets, and He said, “God, I can’t do that, I’m a youth. (Jeremiah 1:1-10)

He made all these excuses, telling God how he was inadequate, unqualified, and not good enough. God didn’t say, “I understand, I must have chosen the wrong person”. Don’t worry, I will find someone else. 

God answered back with something very insightful. He said Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Before you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

He was saying, “Jeremiah, before you ever got here, I already put in you what you needed to accomplish your assignment. Already gave you that gift to be a prophet to the nations, that gene of success is already destined to open at the right time”.

You are not here by accident. Your parents didn’t just randomly decide to have a baby… Before you were even in the womb, before you were a thought in your parent’s mind, God not only knew you, but He put in you everything you needed to succeed, to rise higher, and to leave your mark. 

Like Jeremiah, opportunities will come across our path that seems too big. We are not qualified. It has never happened in our family… Yet deep down, you will feel a stir, a passion, a faith, telling you that you can do it, you can speak to nations, you can start the business, you can beat cancer, you can write that book. You can achieve success!

Those are success genes that have been destined by your Creator and are about to open. There is greatness in you. There are new levels, gifts you haven’t tapped into, books, songs, movies, ideas, and creativity that are lying dormant. At the right time, they are going to come to life.

You won’t reach your highest potential by staying comfortable, knowing how it’s all going to work out, having all the fun, and everyone cheering you on. It’s normal at times to feel unqualified, unable, and have reservations.

Those emotions come to us all, but the people who step into their greatness do it with reservation, they do it feeling inadequate, they do it without confidence, they do it despite the negative gossip. As you make a move, then what God put in you will get stronger, and you will begin to feel more qualified, more confident, and more able.

Jeremiah felt this faith rising, and instead of talking himself out of it and staying focused on his insecurities, he decided to speak to nations. When he did, the scripture says, “God touched his mouth, and said, ‘from now on, I’m giving you the words to speak. (Jeremiah 1:9

If you can accomplish it in your strength, then it’s not a success gene. What I’m talking about are things that are too big for you, you don’t think you have the talent, the courage, the funds, the connections. Those successes can only be traced to something extraordinary… The “As He is, so are we in this world” success. I mean the undisputable God factor success in you!

Every thought will tell you, “Play it safe, you better stay in that corner, don’t stretch, don’t believe, don’t get your hopes too high, that is for people that have more talent, more beauty, more courage, more connections”. No, that is something God has already destined you to become… A success gene waiting to be unleashed.


Now, let us get in agreement with God, “God, I believe there is greatness in me. I believe I can do what you have called me to do. I can speak to nations. I can lead my company. I can write that book you put in my spirit. I can overcome these challenges. I can set a new standard for my family”. 

The greatness is already in you, the success, the talent, the dreams, the legacy, God has already destined you for it. But too often, like Jeremiah, when we feel something tough, something that seems impossible, we discount who we are. We look at everything we don’t have, and we talk ourselves out of it. 

Jeremiah said, “God, I’m too young. I don’t have the experience, the training. I don’t come from the right family”. God knew all that before He called Jeremiah. We look at where we are, but God knows what He put in us. We can’t see the success genes that are about to open. We don’t know the talent, the ability that’s about to come out. This is where faith comes in…

You have to believe not only that all things are possible with God but that He has put in you everything you need to fulfil your purpose. Sometimes, It may feel like you are lacking, but it is a sign that a success gene is about to open. 

I read about a pastor who gave $100 to a man and asked him to put it in his wife’s Bible secretly before the service. During his message, the pastor asked the woman to stand up. He said, “Do you trust me”? She said, “Yes, I do”. He said, “Will you do what I ask”? She said, “Yes, I will”. 

He said, “Would you please open your Bible and give me a $100 “? She said, “I’m so sorry, pastor, I don’t have a $100”. He said it again, “Do you trust me”? “Yes, I trust you”. “Then please, open your Bible and give me a $100”.

Frustrated, she opened her Bible, and much to her surprise, she saw the $100. She looked puzzled and said, “How did it get here”? He smiled and said, “I put it there”. That’s the way God is: He will never ask you for something without first putting it in you. God has put a success gene in you, and He is calling it forth and asking you to walk in it.

In the case of Jeremiah, who initially said, “I’m too young, I can’t speak, I’m unqualified,” later saw what God put in him, the success gene, and said, “Your word, oh Lord, is like fire shut up in my bones”. “I have got fire shut up in me. I have got talent, anointing, power that I never realised shut up in me”. (Jeremiah 20:9)

I wonder what is shut up in you right now? What God has already destined for you that you have no idea about? Books shut up in you, talent shut up in you, a business shut up in you, resources, leadership, courage, wealth shut up in you. God has already ordained success genes to manifest in you. 

The scripture says God “can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20). Here is the key, “According to the power that works in you”. It’s already in you! God has already destined you to leave your mark, set a new level, excel in business and impact your community. That fire shut up in your bones is about to be released. 

Why don’t you get in agreement with God? “God, I believe you have destined me for success and greatness because as you are, so am I on this earth. Before I showed up, you put purpose and destiny in me, things so big that I can’t accomplish on my own, but God, I believe you will make it happen”…

Stay in this attitude of faith. If you do this, I decree and declare: the fire shut up in your bones, and the success gene is about to be released. Dreams that look impossible are coming to pass. Gifts that you didn’t know you had are coming out, Favour that will catapult you to a higher level, Healing, divine connections, and the fullness of your destiny are coming forth, in Jesus’ name. 

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’!

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