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It’s easy to go through life wondering how things are going to work out, hoping you make the right decisions, stressed over your finances, or concerned about a child. You don’t have to worry about your future because God almighty is working behind the scenes on your behalf and your life has been divinely orchestrated. The scripture says “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man. The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1Corinthians 2:9)

God is the one who determines the end from the beginning. He has already laid out the plan for your life, and drawn up your blueprint. He knows everything that’s going to happen, and the scripture says God works all things according to His will. It’s not according to who likes you, according to what family you come from, or according to even how many mistakes you have made. It’s according to His will.

He is working behind the scenes not only directing your steps, but He is directing the steps of the people you need. He is not just in control of you, He is in control of your circumstances. Nothing randomly happens. You are not at the mercy of tough times. You don’t have to get upset because a door closed or give up on a dream because you went through a loss. God knew about it. He wouldn’t have allowed it if it wasn’t on your blueprint.

We may not like it, we don’t understand it, but God knows what He is doing. It’s not keeping you from your purpose, it’s leading you to your purpose, and sometimes, the reason God closes a door is because He is about to open a bigger door.  His dream for your life is bigger than your own. That friend that left you, they didn’t walk away on their own accord. God allows it to happen. He moved them away because they were limiting your growth. They would have kept you from becoming who you were created to be.

When you know that God is working behind the scenes and your life is divinely orchestrated, then you will not get discouraged when things don’t go your way. You know God is at work, controlling, putting things together, arranging things according to His will. Now, this takes faith because we can’t see the blueprint. We may not know what God is up to. All we know is the door closed, it wasn’t fair, and it set us back. What we can’t see is it’s setting us up for something better. 

We didn’t see it coming, but God did. It was on the blueprint. You have no idea what God has in your future, the doors He is going to open, the people He is going to bring, the places He is going to take you, and it may seem like you have reached your limits, you could never accomplish a dream, never get out of debt, never meet the right person. 

You don’t know what God is up to. If He showed you His work behind the scenes, if you could see into your future, it would amaze you. You don’t have to do this just in your strength, try to manipulate people, manipulate circumstances. You have the almighty God working behind the scenes for you. It just so happens He controls the universe.

Why are you worrying? Why are you living stressed? The Most High God is directing your steps, moving the wrong people out of the way, lining up the favour you need, and turning negative situations around. You don’t have to worry, it’s on the blueprint. The scripture says God’s plans for you are for good, to bring you to an expected end” (Jeremiah 29:11) You are not going to come to a random end. God is not up in the heavens thinking, “I wonder what’s going to happen in their life”? God has already established your end.

Your steps are being ordered. You are at the right place at the right time. Everything is on schedule. All the details are coming together, and things may have happened that you don’t understand. Stay in faith, it’s on the plans. It may not make sense now, but when it comes together, it will make sense. His plan is in process. You don’t have to be frustrated because it’s not happening fast enough, get upset because somebody did you wrong. The God who breathed life into you has not only established your end, but He is working all things according to His will.

Sometimes we think we got to where we are by ourselves, our talent, our strength, our determination. We don’t realize God has been working behind the scenes our whole life, bringing talent out, giving us the ability, and causing us to shine. When we were tired, He empowered us and lifted us. 

When we felt like quitting, He encouraged us and caused us to try again. When we didn’t have the training, He helped us and gave us the position, and when we are tempted to take the credit and think we did it on our own, it’s good to look up and say, “Father, thank you for coming through for me. I realize you are giving me strength. You are making me dance. You are causing me to shine”.

How did you get to where you are? It’s very simple, God worked behind the scenes. When God is ready to promote you, He doesn’t check with your boss. He doesn’t get approval from your family. He doesn’t take a vote from your critics. He simply works behind the scenes to effect the promotion. He controls the open doors. He controls what favour comes your way. Don’t be discouraged by the opposition, God is working behind the scenes. 

Don’t lose sleep over those people who are against you. God is working out something behind the scenes. When it’s time, He will bring it forth and move them out of the way. You don’t have to live stressed out because you have opposition and things haven’t worked out. You are still connected. God is working behind the scenes concerning everything that is affecting you.


The scripture says, “God’s hand is outstretched toward you” (Psalm 136:12) When you are tempted to get discouraged, and think it’s never going to work out, just imagine God’s hand outstretched above you, working behind the scenes by directing your steps and orchestrating your life. 

God is not only working behind the scenes concerning your future, but He is also working behind the scenes to resolve your financial issues. He is working behind the scenes on your opportunities, on your house, on your health, on your family, and your promotion. Get ready, God is about to bring them forth. He is about to make things happen that you couldn’t make happen. 

Moses asked God His name. He said, “My name is I am” (Exodus 3:14) He was saying, “I am anything you need. I am protection. I am provision. I am healing. I am strength, I am favour, I am deliverance”. Nothing can stand against our God. The most powerful force in the universe is working behind the scenes for you. You are connected to the Creator. He is working out His purpose for your life. 

Quit worrying, thinking it’s not going to happen, talking about how big the problem is. Start talking about how big your God is. When the thoughts say it’s never going to work out, turn it around. “Father, I want to thank you that you are working behind the scenes in my life. Thank you that you are taking me where I could not go on my own”.

“Well, pastor, I don’t think it’s going to happen for me. I’ve made too many mistakes. I’ve gotten way off God’s will”. Do you think your mistakes can override God’s will, that what you have done can cancel your blueprint, that somehow you can disconnect from what God is doing behind the scenes for you? I say this respectfully, you are not that powerful. Just ask Jonah. God told him to go to the city of Nineveh and minister. He didn’t want to go there. 

Jonah got on a boat going in the opposite direction. A huge storm arose, and he told the crew it was his fault. They threw him overboard. Should have been the end, but God was working behind the scenes. Just so happened a fish was waiting, and swallowed Jonah. He spent three days in the belly of the fish, the bottom of the ocean. On the third day, the fish came up, and spit Jonah on dry ground.

The first thing God said, “Jonah, go to Nineveh,” gave him another chance. He has arranged everything you need to fulfil your purpose. You may run, but you will never get away from what God is doing behind the scenes. It always pulls you back. God will have somebody or someone to keep you from missing your destiny. 

Years later, Jesus said, “As Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days, so I will be in the heart of the earth for three days”. Jonah was a foreshadowing of Christ. He didn’t stay in the fish for two days or four days, but on the third day he went down right on schedule, he came up right on schedule.

What am I saying? Even when we make mistakes, God is still working on all things according to His will. Maybe you have loved ones who are, of course, children who aren’t making good decisions. Don’t worry, God is working behind the scenes. He is not going to let them go too far. The scripture says God can turn the heart of a king. That means God knows how to change people’s minds. He knows how to get their attention.

Maybe you are reading this because God wants you to know that He is working behind the scenes for you. He is pulling you back. It’s not a coincidence. He is saying, “I have a plan for your life. I’m bigger than what you are facing. You have tried it on your own: come to me. I will help you, I will work it out”. All you have to do is say, “God, my life is in your hands. I’m turning it over to you”.

When you trust God with your future, He will take you where you couldn’t go on your own,  God is working behind the scenes for you. Things you have been trying to make happen, a loved one of course, they won’t listen to you, don’t worry, God is working behind the scenes. 

As for you and your house, you will serve the Lord. Doors you couldn’t open, you tried, you did your best. Don’t worry, God is working behind the scenes on those doors, on your finances. He is about to bring promotion, opportunity, and increase you didn’t see coming. You are going to know it’s the outstretched hand of God working on your behalf.

Quit worrying, quit living stressed. God is working behind the scenes. Right now, He is working out His purpose for your life. Live from a place of rest knowing that your life has been divinely orchestrated. If you do this, I decree and declare that nothing or no one is going to stop your purpose, in Jesus’s name.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’

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