Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8
Sometimes in life, we encounter situations where it feels like all doors are shut before us! Despite our efforts, the desired results keep on delaying, leading us to believe that our dreams are unattainable and that things will never change. Thoughts of being unqualified or locked out may consume our minds.
However, it is crucial not to succumb to these negative beliefs as there is hope for a breakthrough. The God of open doors is ready to manifest His blessings in your life, regardless of how serious your case may be.
Perhaps you have experienced a trap situation and you don’t seem to find a way out or a challenging situation that doesn’t seem like it will resolve anytime soon or opportunities for abundance seem inaccessible, and you are trapped behind a door of insufficiency. However, that door is about to swing open now. God is initiating something new and extraordinary in your life, taking you to places or heights you have never been before.
Just like the Israelites who wandered in the desert for 40 years, denied entry to the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 32:10-52), you too may have faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles preventing you from moving forward in your spiritual life, your career, marriage, business etc.  However, closed doors are never permanent when it comes to God’s people because we have a God who can open any kind of door!
Also, just as God instructed the children of Israel through Joshua, He is telling you, “It’s time to possess the land; it’s time to take possession of your open door. The one God is speaking to through this message is receiving a conviction in the heart right now, take possession of your open door in the mighty name of Jesus! This signifies that the obstacles that once seemed insurmountable will no longer hinder your progress. (Joshua 1:11)
Irrespective of the door that is shut against you, be it an ancient door locked against your family even before you were born, I declared it open in Jesus’ name. The scripture says “I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it” I command the ancient door of treasure, long life, peace and joy in your life be swung open by the power of God!


Lift up your heads, O gates, And be lifted up, O ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in! Psalm 24:7
Ancient doors symbolize long-standing barriers that have limited you and your family for generations. These include divorce, poverty, sickness, depression, untimely death, disunity, low self-esteem etc. The good news is that fear not, for ancient doors are on the verge of opening. Like the Israelites, you are about to enter your own Promised Land, filled with blessings, freedom, and fulfilment. 
Whatever chains that have held you captive for generations are breaking right now, and limitations that have plagued your family lineage are declared shattered. The blessings that have been stored up for your family are ready to be released, and what seemed lost or withheld will abundantly flow into your life in the name of Jesus.
The closed doors you have encountered were not accidental; rather, God allowed them as part of His preparation for what lies ahead. Doors that have been shut within your family lineage and the chains that have restrained you for generations are being dismantled in the name of Jesus. 
God is setting you free from curses, struggles, and lack, and elevating you to new levels of abundance and surpassing joy. These doors that appear impossible to open will suddenly give way to healing, freedom, promotion, and even lifelong companionship in the name of Jesus.
Even if it seems medically unlikely or if thoughts of loneliness persist, remember that God holds the key to unlock all the doors including doors to marriage and the fruit of the womb… Against all odds, He will enable you to conceive, experience restored health, and encounter the right person at the perfect time.


But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
When faced with adversity, choose to rest in God’s presence. When you are at peace, God begins to work on your behalf. He can restore you to peace, joy and everything that life has denied you. He is the God of open doors.
In the book of Acts 12:1-19, Peter found himself imprisoned by King Herod, chained, surrounded by guards and confined by iron gates. Though it appeared hopeless, Peter remained calm and trusted God. Amidst the darkest hour of the night, an angel came to him, breaking his chains effortlessly. 
As they passed by guard after guard, their presence went unnoticed until they reached the final iron gate. Miraculously, the gate swung open of its own accord. This miraculous unfolding demonstrates that when the time is right, God’s intervention will surpass human effort or logic.
Peter initially thought he was seeing a vision as he walked with the Angel, you too may find it hard to believe that the closed doors in your life will suddenly open! Be strong and encouraged by God’s word; freedom, healing, divine connections, and new levels of destiny are very much within your reach. 
Trust God and His timing, knowing full well that closed doors and open doors are under His watch! Connect into God’s miraculous timing and receive your restoration; God is opening your closed doors effortlessly! Continue your walk in faith, regardless of what you see or hear, for the hand of God is ushering you into a future filled with boundless possibilities and restoration.
In conclusion, remember that closed doors are not permanent. The God of open doors is unleashing His blessings upon your life. No matter how unattainable a goal may seem or how insurmountable a barrier appears, trust that through God’s timing and supernatural intervention, closed doors will open.
Embrace the new possibilities that lie ahead and walk confidently into a future filled with favour, restoration, and unparalleled influence. Open doors are yours and you shall experience the abundant life that God has planned for you in Jesus’s name.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” 




7 thoughts on “THE GOD OF OPEN DOORS!”

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