And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He makes both the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.” Luke 7:37
We all had times when we felt like we had reached our limits, we had done our best at work, we worked hard, and we stayed in faith but the dreams seemed too big, the challenge too strong, the medical report was not good and we gave up!
We gave up by telling ourselves, If we only had more talent, more resources, more stamina, more favour, and more creativity, then we could accomplish the dream or overcome the challenges. We believed every logic as to why things may never change!
Surprisingly, something that can’t be explained happened! Things suddenly turned around for our good; the God of surprises stepped into the situation and things became better. It’s important to note that there is a God in heaven who is full of surprises and when He marks you out for a surprise, things have no choice but to fall in line for you!
God will never let you face a giant that you can’t overcome, He will never put a dream in your heart that you can’t accomplish. You may not have the size, the skill, or the experience, but that’s okay, the God of surprises will empower you to accomplish that goal. (1 Corinthian 10:13)
The breath of God in your life is to accomplish things that seem impossible, you will outlast opposition that should have overwhelmed you. You will discover talent and ability that you didn’t know you had.
Instead of thinking, you can’t take this anymore, you are so tired, these obstacles are so big, turn it around, and say, Father, thank you for giving me strength, thank you for supernatural favour and supernatural ability to overcome!
Don’t be discouraged because you feel limited. You may be facing obstacles that seem bigger or maybe you have gotten to the point where you are tired of fighting battles, be rest sure that the God of surprises will put a smile on your face. Be ready for a surprise from God and you shall celebrate.
You don’t see how you can get out of debt, the medical report is not good, you got passed over for that last promotion, you feel stuck, now get ready for a surprise healing, surprise out of debt than you expected, a surprise blessing in your home, your business, your career and your finance.
You are going to say to yourself, “Where did I get this from? How did I accomplish this dream? How did I overcome the challenge? How did I get this position”? It was God bringing surprises your way, making things happen that you couldn’t make happen.
In the scripture, Nehemiah was working as a cupbearer for the king. He had an ordinary position, as one of the staff members at the palace and God put a dream in his heart to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
He was living about a thousand miles away, he didn’t have the resources, the connections, the experience, he wasn’t a builder, that wasn’t his profession or skills and it seemed impossible to accomplish.
However, God had a surprise for him because He would not give a dream without the resources for the dream. You may not have the talent, the strength, or the funds, but God will surprise you by using you to accomplish what you never thought you could accomplish.
Our God is the God of surprises, so never judge your future based on what you are going through right now. There are times in your life when God is going to surprise you by catapulting you to a level that seems impossible.
Suddenly you will have the courage, you will have the favour and the door will open for you. God didn’t create you to reach one level and stay there… a surprise blessing is coming your way! “You (God) will arise and have mercy on Zion; For the time to favour her, Yes, the set time, has come.” Psalm 102:13
Nehemiah was generally quiet doing his duty at the king’s palace and never made any impact, but on this particular day, he was serving the king his wine, surprisingly, the king asked him why was his face so sad and what was his request. All of a sudden he had this boldness, this confidence to ask the king for time off to travel to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls. (Nehemiah 2:2-6)
Initially, he was intimidated and afraid because there was no reason for the king to let him off, the walls didn’t have anything to do with the king but the king surprisingly said Yes, you can go. “So it pleased the king to send me; I set him a time.”
God has already lined up the right people to say yes to you. What would normally be a no, people you never expected to say yes to you, surprisingly they will say yes to you.
Nehemiah not only asked for permission, he asked the king for materials to rebuild the walls. He said in effect, I know this is my project, but will you pay for it? “Will you give me letters requesting the materials”? That took a lot of nerve, somehow he had this new boldness. Surprisingly, the king didn’t think twice, he said “Yes, I will”.
Nehemiah needed one more thing; protection. He asked the king for letters telling the other leaders his identity so he wouldn’t be harmed and the king granted that request as well. Should have taken years to rebuild those walls, but Nehemiah did it in just 52 days. How could that happen? This is someone who was a captive and a servant at the king’s palace receiving such favour. The God of surprises made it happen and gave Nehemiah the favour that he had never seen.
You don’t know what God has in store for you. It’s easy to discount ourselves and think brethren we are just average, we will never do anything great”, but when God marked you out for surprises, people are going to go out of their way to help you, and you’re going to accomplish more in less time.
One good breakthrough, one phone call, one person saying yes and you will be catapulted to a new level. Like with Nehemiah, God is about to do something unusual in your life; a surprise favour and a surprise accomplishment are directed towards you!
You may think you’re stuck and have accepted where you are but God is about to locate you with a surprise blessing and opportunities that will come looking for you. The right people are going to bring you blessings. Every no to your blessing and joy in the past is changing to yes! Doors that were closed are opening on their own accord. You’re going to feel lifted, refreshed and re-energized.
It’s not going to happen by your might, it’s not by your power, but it’s by the spirit of the living God. He is about to charge you up, make things happen that you couldn’t make happen, bring things out of you that you didn’t know you had. (Zechariah 4:6)
What used to be intimidating, fearful “I can’t do that”, there’s going to be a surprise boldness, a surprise confidence, a surprise courage to step up to who you were created to be. You are not an ordinary person, you are an extraordinary person.
Now your mind will tell you all the reasons it’s not going to happen, how you are stuck, you have reached your limits, you can’t take that promotion, and you are not qualified. You will never come out of debt, you come from the wrong family. Do yourself a favour, tune all that out and get in agreement with the God of surprises and wonders.
There’s something about a faithful person, that gets God’s attention. Every time you come to church, sing in the choir, get to work on time, and have a good attitude day in and day out, God sees that… You are setting yourself up for an amazing surprise from God.
You have been faithful, you have celebrated others, you have made sacrifices for those children, and you have been your best at work that didn’t go unnoticed. God is saying to you, be ready for amazing surprises; You are going to receive a surprise favour, a surprise opportunity, a surprise health, a surprise door opening that you have never seen. The word of God says, “Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly.” (Job 8:7)
A surprise from God will defy all odds; you will have strength that you shouldn’t have, healing that can’t be explained, and abundance that doesn’t make sense; it’s the God of surprise that is at work in your life.
Don’t believe those lies that the problem is too big, the dream is too great. Don’t also make it true by staying the way you are, the assurance is that there is a God who is full of surprises and He makes impossibilities possible. Receive your surprise package from God today, in Jesus’ name. Your time of celebration has come!
Father I believe in what you can do, I believe in your surprises and I open myself up for them all! Surprise me Lord with your favour, surprise me Lord with your healing and surprise me Lord by granting my heart desire more than I expected, thank you Father… in Jesus’ precious name. (I receive it, Lord)
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